Exosome Therapy

Exosome therapy presents a wholy NEW perspective on cellular-level healing.

What are exesomes?

Exosomes are small extracellular vesicles that play a crucial role in cell-to-cell communication and the transportation of various molecules between cells. These vesicles are released by most cell types, including stem cells, and can be found in various bodily fluids, such as blood, urine, and saliva.

Exosomes & regenerative medicine

Exosomes have garnered significant attention in the field of regenerative medicine and therapeutics.

Researchers are exploring their potential as therapeutic agents for various conditions, including tissue regeneration, neuroprotection, and immunomodulation. Additionally, exosomes derived from stem cells are being investigated for their therapeutic potential, as they may offer benefits similar to stem cell therapy without the risks associated with cell transplantation.

Rolls of exosomes

The functions of exosomes are essential for intercellular communication and cellular regulation. Some of their roles include:
  • Cell signaling - ex: act as messengers, delivering signaling molecules to target cells
  • Immune regulation - influencing immune responses
  • Tissue repair and regeneration - can carry factors that promote tissue healing